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2025 Leagues

Accessible Location

Nestled in the corner of I-96 and US 127, College Fields is the perfect location for many area business and associations. With Michigan State University and Okemos High School both within a mile, many students and faculty choose College Fields as their golf league destination.

Layout (Golden Age Of Golf)

Leagues at College Fields alternate between the front nine and back nine each week. With a “links” feel on the front and a “northern Michigan” look on the back, league players enjoy a unique course every other week.

Championship Course Conditions

A dedicated grounds crew ensures championship golf course conditions that are second to none in Mid-Michigan. Quick, smooth rolling greens define our course while closely mown fairway surrounds provide short game options that sharpen the skills of all our golfers.

League Specials

From the $26 warm up rate for 9 holes with a cart on the day of your league to weekly bar and grill specials, your league will enjoy all the benefits of their “neighborhood club.”

If you're interested in scheduling a league of 20+ players at College Fields Golf Club, please take a moment to complete the form below.

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